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What You Can Do With Your Eyes Closed

4 Oct

Tie your shoes.

Button a button. (unless maybe it is on our right hand shirt cuff).

Put on socks.

Get dressed from head to toe.

Tie a tie but not so you could wear it in public.

Make scrambled eggs.

Drive a car. (but only if drunk or tired or it’s a beater).

Fall down.


Use the DVD player (oh wait, I can’t do that with my eyes open).

Pass the Patriot Act (one would guess).

Walk the dog (or nearly, depending on how close it is to dawn).

Get something out from under the fridge.

Sing the National Anthem.

Listen to Rick Perry. (It’s impossible with your eyes open).

Tell a dime from a penny in your pocket (there’s some fantastic dexterity thing going on that may involve fingerprints or something).


Listen to a postcard story being read.