The Hardest Job in America AKA Miss Snell’s Advice to First Year Teachers.

18 Jun

1) One child will arrive late every day except for Halloween.

2) One child will be dressed immaculately as if going to Sunday school. A second will look like a mud cake in the rain. The better groomed will score more highly on tests. But the “mud cake” if properly supervised may attain a clearer conduit to our “better angels”.

3) One of the students will consume an astounding variety of school supplies as a matter of course. Spend less time chastising and more time protecting this poor soul from the plight of the scapegoat and you will have an achey head but a peaceful heart.

4) It is impossible to engage all of those scattered minds all of the time. Teach what you love muchly and what is required by the school board sparingly.

5) Numbers only mean something to a paltry few. With the vast majority of the pupils you will just have to strap on your mukluks and mush their brains through the blizzard of mathematics.

6) Half of class will be sick more often than not. You will get sick at least three times. Don’t think you won’t. Teaching is a mighty ocean voyage. Only tough make it to the other side.

7) Give praise with a bucket and criticism with an eye dropper.

8) Be calm and patient on the outside and joyous on the inside and you will always end sunny side up.

One Response to “The Hardest Job in America AKA Miss Snell’s Advice to First Year Teachers.”

  1. Sioux Steinkellner June 18, 2012 at 11:52 AM #

    Wonderful post–should be framed & hung in every classroom. SIOUX

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